miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Ich sage dir...was ich mag!! o ¡Te cuento qué me gusta!

Kühlschrank, Lebensmittel, Gemüse, Obstsalat, Kartoffeln,essen, trinken und viele Wörte mehr...

Ahora en clase tenemos una nevera gigante donde hemos colocado todos los alimentos que ya conocemos en lengua alemana...No ha sido tan difícil...¡Nosotros ya podemos viajar a algún país de habla alemana y entender las cartas de los restaurantes!

A continuación una muestra de nuestro trabajo:

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

Yes, Chef!!!

Today, we have participated in a cooperative activity with the students of 6th Primary School!!! As we are learning about healthy diets and lifestyle, we have taken part in the amazing Romeral´s Masterchef, being ourselves professional chefs!! Moreover, our dishes have been tasted by professional judges and we have explained the instructions to prepare every dish in English!!! Have a look at the healthy dishes, do you feel like tasting any???

Iceland, a Fantastic Country to Visit

Let us speak about Iceland!! During this week in the English sessions we have been dealing with Iceland, an amazing country to discover, here you are one of the presentations we have created and we have presented in class!! Hope you like it a lot!!